General Meeting

You are invited to the general meeting of the Circle of Hearth & Kin!

For full event details please visit our events calendar page.

Our circle is very new, and during this critical time of development, your input and energy are needed.  We want to hear what the community’s needs are and how we, as a circle, can step up to provide the type of activities and programs people want. This is an opportunity to have an open dialogue and brainstorm as a group.

Do we want full moon and dark moon circles? Study groups? Kids’ programs, like Spiral Scouts? Festivals? Field trips? Public education? Liaison services with other organisations? The list goes on and on…

What should we focus on, and how can YOU be involved?

The afternoon will begin with a short presentation on the vision of the Circle of Hearth and Kin, by Priestess Jennifer Rowe and Priest Kam Abbott. A Q&A and open discussion will follow.

Tea, coffee and light snacks will be served.

“The future is defined by those who show up!”



Becoming a Priestess of Persephone

Becoming a Priestess of Persephone

I sit in a dark red room, waiting.  There are several of us, waiting…..  The Priests and Priestesses are preparing the space outside.  I knew that this was a special night for everyone, but I did not know what to expect.  Becoming a priestess of the changing Goddess was something that I knew I was born to become.  I would face whatever challenge awaited me.  It’s just, with my Goddess…. it could be anything.

Goddess of Spring and Rebirth, Queen of the Dead, Persephone seems a paradox.  “But, who else would the dead worship?” the Priestess asked me when I said as much to her.  Of course, the dead would worship one who could bring change and rebirth.  How did that escape me for so long?

I heard the drums begin.  They are coming for us soon.  I sit and look around at the others here with me.  I just met them tonight.  Sally, she’s a mother.  Don the dentist with his great big smile looks nervously around the room as he pretends nonchalance.  I can’t recall the name of the short, heavy set man, but I know he’s a professor at the local college.  Kelly is all of 20, dressed in witchy black.  Then there is me.  I guess I’m the fortune teller.  My clothes are urban gypsy, and I am here because I hear dead people.  Well, not just dead people.  I hear all kinds of things.

The room lightens as a crone enters.  She is carrying a lantern and holds it high as she says, “I am Hekate. I will show you the way.  You may follow of your own free will, and at any time, of your own free will, you may go.”  She then turned on her heel and walked slowly out of the room.

We all follow.

She leads us around the back of the house and across the patio to the back gate of the circle.  There are two rows of witches  that we have to pass through to enter the circle beyond.  The drums become louder as we approach the circle in single file.  I am right behind the crone with her lantern, and as I walk, I see flashbacks in my mind’s eye of many lifetimes where this has happened before:  The entrance to a cave, where an old toothless woman held a lantern up and bid me to enter.  A small row boat, where an old woman with a lantern asked me to climb aboard as we rowed into a large cave.  Crossing a river upon stepping stones, as a man with a torch leads me up a hill to torches burning in the distance.  These flash through my mind as I walk through the elders and into the circle.

The High Priestess is standing in the middle of the circle  dressed in rich reds, with long flowing dark hair.  She wears a familiar circlet with a moon on her forehead and she glows with an intensity that my soul recognizes.  She speaks to us with a clear and powerful, yet soft and compassionate voice.

“Welcome to the Underworld, beautiful children of light.  I am Persephone, your Queen, the mother of all Witches.  You have come to me seeking.  You have come to me wanting, unsure, unfulfilled, lacking, desiring, but of what you do not yet know.  You have come as fertile soil, to be tilled, planted, and nurtured, with hopes that you will bear the sacred fruit; the fruit of mystery, death and rebirth–the fruit of the Goddess.

You have desires and dreams, romanticized versions of what you think you want and need.  Yet are you open to receiving the seed of Goddess?  Are you willing to release your attachments to what you think you know and be Her fertile ground?  Are you ready to embrace the shadow so that you may walk in the light unencumbered?  Have you the courage to face your darkest fears, so that you may be cleansed in the waters of Her womb?  Can you fight the demons of your darkest nature, so that you may be able to embrace your true greatness and serve as Her Sacred Vessel?

Her Priests and Priestesses are Her Hands, Her eyes, Her ears, Her voice, Her heart, Her womb, Her warriors, Her lovers, Her messengers, Her healers, and Her guides.  Yet they are also Her heavy hand of Karma, Her voice of Judgment, Her vessels to serve and protect the balance whether those actions be perceived by you as good or bad.

Can you listen, and follow directions?  Can you set down your pride and lead others by selflessly serving them?  Are you devoted?  Do you have faith in Her love?  Do you trust the harmonious balance of the Universe?  Can you choose to serve the best and highest good, even when it seems that the choice is not in your immediate best interest?

It takes all these things and far more to serve Her.  The power is more than you can ever imagine, and the responsibility is greater than you would have ever willingly chosen.  I cannot possibly lay the mystery before you, for that you must discover on your own.  But I can tell you the rewards far outweigh the cost.  Yet the cost will be paid with hard work and sacrifice.   Are you willing to release that which stands in your way, to know yourself as a sacred vessel through which the God can work?”

She stopped speaking and looked at each of us.  Asking us the question with her eyes.  Watching us intently.  Measuring the look on our faces, or something else we could not see.  She then took a plate of pomegranate seeds, held a single seed up for our inspection and continued speaking.

“Think on this magic seed.  Will it find loving fertile ground within you? Will it fall on barren fear?  Can you suspend your disbelief and let the magic work within you?  Can you allow yourself to be molded by Her into something that you are incapable of understanding at this moment?  Are you the open, waiting, receptive energy of Goddess, waiting to be fertilized with the seed of knowledge?

If so, then partake of the food of the dead.  Allow me to plant the seed within you and let the process of your transformation begin.”

The drums began again.  I hadn’t realized they had stopped until I heard them resume.  She approached me first.  I wondered for a split second how I managed to be first in this whole parade.  Then courage overtook me.  The desire I had to know Her came over me and I smiled, welcoming the seed to  of my Goddess to change me forever.

A chant begins, “Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Innana…..”  The High Priestess, who has transformed into Persephone herself feeds me a seed.  I feel a tingling upon my lips as she places the seed in my mouth and kisses me with a blessing at the same time.  An elder turns me deosil and sweeps me around the circle into the dance.  Each of my companions are fed a pomegranate seed and brought into the dance.  I join in the chant, as do the others.  The drums increase as the energy swirls around and through me.  The tingling from my lips has spread to my body as the power peaks to a crescendo.  I feel laughter bubbling forth from deep inside me as my hands are grasped on either side, and a circle of swirling witches dance into a rune around the circle.  It’s as though my feet are lifted from the ground as my new brothers and sisters of the wise rejoice with me at my inception onto the path.

For a moment time stands still.  I am swirling, laughing, held aloft in midair with my hair flying around me.  Persephone is there with me, ten times my size.  Holding me like an infant.  Looking into my face, smiling.  She is my mother, giving birth to me as an adult, giving me her talents and gifts, teaching me and guiding me.

I hear my Priestess speak, “Down!” and  I am back… amongst the witches, my brothers, sisters and elders.  Those, who will guide me, open the doors, providing opportunities for me to grow and serve; they redirect me when I lose my way.  It is a special bond.  One I have worked for, searched for and finally found.  My coven home.  “Coven is thicker than blood,” I think to myself as I giggle and rejoice in the ‘tween space of magic.

I have a new spiritual family.

I smile, breathe deep, return my attention to the present and accept the Chalice being held out to me.

Ereshkigal’s Visit

Ereshkigal and Inanna came to me in the summer of 2004, when I started my book tourAwakening Spirit, First Year Certification for Wiccan Clergy, by Trafford Publishings, Nov 2004,ISBN: 9781412012294 . They started teaching me many lessons about balance, about the dance of light and dark, and about appreciation. These lessons began to lead to many understandings of how struggle brings growth, and how we learn from suffering. I gained many blessings during that time and as my ministry grew I said many times that if I ever had an opportunity to do a series of rituals where I could be able to put enough effort into it, I would do a really elaborate “Descent of Inanna” It was not too many years later that the opportunity presented itself, when my coven was booked to do 4 rituals in a row during the month of October.

I asked a spirit sister of mine, who I knew was learning similar lessons, to share this experience with me. She agreed and we began to write out the ritual. We decided that we would switch roles halfway through the rituals. I would do the first two as Ereshkigal, as I was comfortable with her energy and had been through a dark time myself. Then I would do Inanna for the last two. We started at a Pagan Pride day, and introduced ourselves to the community, sharing our individual perspectives as Goddesses of the myth and preparing people for the elaborate set of rituals that many of them would be participating in as the Fall gathering season developed

Pagan Pride day went wellI was excited about the upcoming eventsEreshkigal’s lessons brought enlightenment to my soulI understood how she felt, both in being the sufferer of lessons, as well as the teacher who brought lessons to others and had to suffer with themHaving recently experienced a period of burnout myself, I felt her indifference as well as her determinationWithin Ereshkigal, I found a new appreciation for the darkness that I did not know before.

As the time of the next ritual, the full descent, drew near, I could feel the power buildingPeople began putting together the various gates around the landOur vision began coming into view, and we were all very excitedInara and I work well together; we are very much a balance of oppositesWe mirror so much of each other, it’s easy to envision her as my Sister of Heaven and Earth.

As I prepared myself with Ereshkigal’s face, I could feel Her coming to meI put out all my makeup and let her choose how she wanted to look. I found myself putting white and black on my face, in some very extreme, and intense, but darkly beautiful angles and shadows.  As I became her, I felt frustrated, isolated, alone, misunderstoodI noticed my attendant wasn’t attending meI drove to the drum circle alone, with everyone else in a rush to get ritual readyThere were many details, many gatesI did not careI was very centered within myself, focused on my own needsI prepared the musicIt was about the depravity of mankind, to a very funky beatI hoped it would be a nice irony of entertainment within the dreadful message of drug abuse, suicide, and several other horrible paths that lead to EreshkigalI was cold.

My throne room was the drum circle.  It was October, the temperature had dropped fast.  There was a fire in front of me, but too far away to warm me.  There were torches lighting the circumference of my area, and torches that lit either side of my throne, yet the darkness was tangible.  For the others, the journey started at the top of the hill, a couple of hundred yards away at main ritual circle.  Each person, as they made their way to mail ritual circle, found a gateway to the underworld, and began their descent through the gates to the lower circle, where I waited.

“I HAD an attendant!” I thought, exasperated that I was left to care for all my own details, all made up dripping with clothing, and jewelryI could hardly find my hands, much less use themI noticed he was busy seeing to InannaThis did not please meI felt a stab of jealousy, which I felt was inappropriate and pushed awayI climbed up into my throne without assistance, hoping the seat would make me happier.

I waited…I was waiting, FOREVER!  ”Is there a problem?” I wondered, frustrated at having to sit in the coldI sat sullen by a fire that did not warm me, with no one around to ask, in what felt like blacknessThe edge of the circle was surrounded by torches that lit no oneI waited…. alone, my anger growingFinally they cameThey were cold, and confusedThey were expecting somethingThey looked at me, in my ill temper, as I waitedThey sat down, tentatively, they waited with me.  Yet still more came

How am I going to do a ritual like this? I wondered, agitated and frustratedI’m so pissedWHAT is taking so long! Who is not considering how long these people are waiting? “I” am waiting?!? I practically screamed in my headWe waited in the dark and the cold together, in silenceThe music amused me at timesI wondered what they were thinking as they stared at meThe temperature had dropped below freezingWhy do we always think it’s a good idea to invoke the Underworld? I thought to myself, It never ceases to drop below freezing just as soon as you do that. The complaining in my head became almost more than I could take, and I was about to call my attendant to me and ask W.T.F.?!?

And then She came… InannaShe would demand and dare to yell at Me?  She had been stripped of all her queenly finery and stood in front of me cold and naked.  Frustrated and confused herself, her long blond hair her only protection, She demanded to learn the mysteries of death.  I thought to myself, “She does not know the consequences of what she asks.”  So cold, I felt My hand close around My swordI stood and screamedIt was the loudest scream I had ever heardIt came from deep within MeIt came with pain, and suffering, anger and confusionIt was a scream of torment and outrageI watched Inanna fall dead in front of Me, and saw them drag Her body awayBut I was not concerned with Her.

My attention instead turned to those who would call themselves children of the dark, the hidden children of the Goddess, those who would walk in My realmThey come here to Me seeking safety and refuge from the pains of lifeThey do NOT find itLike Inanna, they come to my realm dressed in fancy clothing, dripping with crystals and magical tools, a drum and cape in tow, hoping to learn the mysteries of magicYet I clearly warn them…My priestesses clearly warn them…These are the mysteries of Death and InitiationDeath…Do you really wish to know?

Dragging my sword in the sand behind me, tired and frustrated, I cried out to themI wanted them to understand that they receive what they ask forChange and Death are one in the sameI heard Her speak through meShe said…

The ways of the Underworld are NOT your waysThe ways of the Underworld are MY waysThey are perfect and are not to be questioned..Yet question them, you do.

I take the time to mold you, and define you, to guide you, and teach youMy face is who you see when there is nothing leftWhen there is change, transformation, deep knowing and understanding, you will find MeWhen you are alone, I am there with youYou may dance in the sun of Inanna all you like, revel in Her pleasuresBut, if you seek to know Me, look within the suffering of your soulYou agree to suffer to learn, and yet you wish to suffer notYou run away from that which scares you, and rail against the pain of the pathYet when the path blooms beneath your feet, you do not grow strongerIt is only when I am pushing against you that your muscles are strengthenedYet you rage against me when I take the time to do it.

If your path be laden with roses, and you struggle not, then know truly, you are not accomplishing muchKnow that when your heart is rending, when your brain is reeling, when your world is spinning, that you will too learn how to balance this, and for it you will be betterKnow that the challenges you find are those that I place upon your path, and be grateful for my ministeringKnow that I prepare you for greater challenges to come

Anyone can rest on laurels and laugh the day awayIt takes an ambitious soul to desire to know the mysteries of my realmKnow that your desire for this knowledge, set your feet upon this path before you were bornThis contract you made with me prior to this incarnationCall me by what name you willI am the Dark Goddess, the Mother of WitchesShe who teaches the powers of changeI allow you access or notI give you guidance or My many attendants send you back to the surface, unaware that you never made it to My chamber door

I have laid your path out before you in the stars, that you may achieve your goals, and walk it you willYet you will not walk it aloneI am with you with every step you takeYou and I have work to do together, you belong to Me, and I to youYou, who would work magic, and know the ways of the UnderworldKnow then, that your ways were left behind when you stepped into the darknessThe ways of the Underworld are MY ways, you will get what you need, in perfect time as the path unfolds

My ways are perfectRage not against your lessonsKnow that you are only stepping up to greater challenges, as your abilities grow, and be thankful for the opportunityDeath is the doorway that leads to rebirthI am the Goddess of Life and DeathDeath and Life, you cannot be delivered without first letting go.

Let go with grace.

Inanna was then revived and returned to Her kingdom, renewed and better for her visitThe participants came and spoke to Ereshkigal and Inanna in their shrinesEreshkigal helped many see how their struggles had made them who they are today, and helped them transform their pain into understanding.

I left ritual feeling greatMy students took down the ritual areas and groundedI felt very clear and focused as I made my way back to the campsite, undressed and got things ready for bedIt was cold, so I stoked a fire in the center of my hand sewn, 18ft tipi, my second homeOur native tent heated up nicely and I readied the beds for my three children to come and snuggle in for the eveningMy lover, Dusty, asked me if I wanted a drink; I refusedI was drinking water, and planned to be very responsible with my energy for the evening.

I did not remove Her faceI did not take the skulls from my hairI did not formally devokeI felt good, and didn’t want toI refused food, and headed back down to the gathering to spend time with my loved ones in the after ritual glow.

As I walked through the Great Hall, hugging my friends and loved ones, I checked on the warmth of my kids and then walked out the back of the Hall to where the ritual staff was gatheringSuddenly Daniel, my summoner, grabbed me and shook me, screaming in my face, “Bella, THE TIPI IS ON FIRE.”  Stunned, I looked up the hill and indeed saw a screaming skirted Goddess roaring into the airI shook my head, and thought “this can’t be happening, delete, rewind, this isn’t real.  I took off in a run back up the hill.

My heart was pounding, I could not move fast enough. I thanked Goddess my children were still safely in the Great Hall behind me, as I watched the men moving vehicles away to safetyI saw Dusty moving my carThere was nothing else on fireNo other tents were even harmed.  The canvas went very quickly, and then only the frameEverything I had for the gathering was ruined: years of clothes, ritual gear, blankets, beds, everythingI stood there, in Ereshkigal’s face, as the words that she spoke to others that evening echoed in my ears.

The community came to put out the fire, and offer emergency supplies for the eveningThey hugged me and noted, “It’s what you said, BellaIt’s exactly what you said.”

“I know!” I cried in returnAnd I did knowNo one was hurtMost of my belongings had been left at home because I was in a hurry to leave so did not bring several boxesI had complained all weekend at the absence of my skirts and various supplies, not realizing that it was all part of the designI did not lose anything I wasn’t meant to loose. 

The next day we went through the rubbleWe found a whole package of incense that did not burnWe found melted and wet messes of plastic and metals that were uselessWe found some tarot cards that did not burn, only three, with interesting messages upon each

 ”Master your thoughts”
    ”If you determine your course with force or speed, you miss the way of the law”  
    ”Even in the empty forest, he finds joy because he wants nothing”

Then, we found something that was not a part of my tent, something that I did not bring with me, nor would be likely to have aroundI’m not much of a “card” giving personIf you get a gift from me, rarely will a card be attachedI don’t buy them, and rarely do I keep them if they are given to meSo there is no way I would have a random, unsigned card laying around my home, much less my campsiteYet a greeting card is what we found.

The margin was burned, but the outside read “Our Friendship is Special to Me”Inside it said, “There are friends I can laugh with, or share happy times with, enjoying whatever we doThere are friends I can even share secrets or dreams with, but no friend is closer than you!” The card was unsigned, and in the burned out space of the margin was what looks like the outline of Ereshkigal’s throne

I cried, I accepted the loss, and I let it goPeople asked me if I was going to rebuildI want another tipi, but noI filed an insurance claim on the loss and ended up better off than when I startedI cannot say I have never railed against the path since then, but I can say that every time a challenge presents itself, I smile and ask “mom” what the heck I’m supposed to be learning from THIS oneAnd I never feel like I’m doing it alone now.

Inara and I did the other two ritualsI invoked Inanna the next time, and Inara was EreshkigalShe received her lessons and we decided to end the rituals in the roles that both of us were most comfortable, me as the dark Goddess, she as the lightYet neither of those rituals touched me like the evening the Goddess visited me at my tipi, and left a calling card with her signature on it.

Submission to Ereshkigal Devotional
April-May 2010
by Belladonna Laveau, HPs

Dean, WiccanSeminary.EDU


This Article appeared in the book, “Queen of the Great Below, an Anthology in Honor of Erishkegal”, compiled by Janet Munin




The Goddess of America

There is a Goddess of America, and her name is Columbia. This is not a witty line portraying a concept. I am not using an analogy to liken the capital to a Divine Mother Figure. I am simply stating facts: There is a Goddess of America, and her name is Columbia.
Our founding fathers were not fond of colonial era England, and were all well versed in the periodical of the time: Edward Cave’s Edward Cave’s The Gentleman’s Magazine. “>The Gentleman’s Magazine, in which quasi-illegal transcripts of the Parliamentary proceedings were loosely disguised as fictional works. It was illegal to print the transcripts from such, and so pen names were chosen for all people and places involved/ America was known as Columbia. When our Forefathers got here, they continued the use of this name in Reverence of the early anti-government movement that helped drive the revolution.
In the years following our succession from imperial rule, the people of the country began to personify her. They dressed her in Red, White, and Blue. Her golden curls, or long straight black hair, cascaded down her face. Her look of determination, and open armed embrace, concretized in picture that which was quintessentially American. They gave her the liberty crown. They placed her atop government buildings, as she led our country through conflict; standing next to her male counterpart, Uncle Sam.
She has watched over our country as the mother protects her children, and through her we have always found our way into peace, and freedom. Security for those in need, and a promise of abundance if you work hard. A Mother’s praise for a job well done.
Like a true Mother of Us All, she has smiled down on us. She doesn’t try to hog the spotlight. She sits quietly and watches as her children play beneath her. Glory is not her calling. Her calling comes from the triumphs of her children. She shakes her head softly when we fight, and giggles when we are funny. She sheds her tears for our accomplishments readily. She saves her tears, caused by hurts we inflict on her, for when we aren’t looking, because the way we treat each other breaks her heart, and she wants to stay strong for us. Columbia has been our heart and life force since before we were born; since we were still growing within her, in the pages of The Gentleman’s Magazine.

We have forgotten the face of our Mother.

It is time to remember her.

In times of great need she gets out of her chair, and reminds us that we are all supposed to ‘fight nicely’.
African American Poet Phillis Wheatley”>Phillis Wheatley:
One century scarce perform’d its destined round,
When Gallic powers Columbia’s fury found;
And so may you, whoever dares disgrace
The land of freedom’s heaven-defended race!
Fix’d are the eyes of nations on the scales,
For in their hopes Columbia’s arm prevails

She knows when to stand, and now is the time to stand. Now is the time for all of us to remember the Face of our Mother and smile at her; to unite under her ideal of ‘get along with each other’. We have it in us. We come from strong roots. We can remember that we are one people in this nation, and if others want to count themselves among us then it is their inalienable right, because we are the land of the free, and our Mother, Columbia’s arms are big enough to hold all of her children.
That’s why our Forefathers made sure she had a place at our table.
It hurts my heart that some of my brothers, and sisters have so much fear in their hearts. Our founding fathers didn’t want this for us. They didn’t want us to segregate, and ostracize. They would not be happy with a single religion for America. They purposefully left our Great Nation without a national religion. They wanted us to all learn each others’ religion. Our Forefathers were Masons. Masons at their core encompass all religions equally. They revel in the blending of ideas. This is the energy that our founding fathers, and Columbia wanted. They did not want us to play King of the Mountain. They wanted us to play Sandbox.

Rev. High Priest Richard Ravish Passes to the Summerland

Salem, MA — Death of a Career Occultist and High Priest of Salem

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

On September 15, 2012 e.v. at home on the day of Saturn during the dark of the Moon at 9:05 am, Reverend High Priest Richard Ravish (59) also known as Magister Azaradel of Salem, Massachusetts, breathed his last, passed into Spirit and became his body of light. First initiated into the Wiccan priesthood in 1970 e.v., and then welcomed as an Elder into an Alexandrian & Hereditary lineaged family in Kent England in 1986 e.v., Richard was one of the original “Witches of Salem”. Alex Sanders also was kind enough to contribute guidance and training to him, both in St. Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex and in correspondence and more recently, Maxine Sanders.

As an ordained minister and Magus of The Temple of Nine Wells — ATC, a public Wiccan congregation in Salem, Richard wrote and lead open circles for each of the Eight Sabbats of the Witches Wheel for over 20 years. He was the High Priest of the Coven of Akhelarre, and served as the Grand Master of his Kentish Witchcraft Line in America, training and initiating suitable students and chartering covens of the Wicca.

In addition to being an active Freemason, a Rosicrucian, a Hermetic Initiate, Heirophant of the Strength of Hadit (his private Enochian temple) and a Thelemic Magician, of 45+ years of active study and practice, Richard attained the grade of Adeptus Major in the Thelemic Golden Dawn before parting ways with its founder. Within the past eight years Richard became a member of Ordo Templi Orientis and a novitiate priest in the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholicae.

As founder and co-owner of White Light Pentacles/Sacred Spirit Products Inc. and proprietor of his store, Nu Aeon, Richard earned his livelihood designing and providing the tools of Witchcraft and Alternative Spirituality both retail and wholesale to stores and individual practitioners worldwide. His most powerful mystical vision came into physical manifestation as curator of his newly opened Gallery of Stellar Art, Light and Magick which he named THE COSMIC CONNECTION, a Temple of Stars, where the Sea meets the Sky, 88 Constellations at 88 Wharf Street. He designed THE COSMIC CONNECTION to be a spiritual condenser of the Astral Light and a finely tuned ritual instrument for those who are ready to believe in and work with Gods and Goddesses, Angels and Higher Spiritual Realities.

Richard Ravish is survived by his wife of 31 years, Reverend High Priestess Amy “Gypsy” Ravish, his daughter Asherah Aphrodite Ravish and step daughter Kitoto Von Hebb, his sister Sandra McCandless, cousins, nieces and his familiar, Cosmo Skyrocket Ravish. He will be sorely missed by many as he travels beyond the veils to the starry realms of angels.

ARRANGEMENTS: The highest are of us. Wednesday, September 19, 2012 e.v. Starr King Masonic Lodge, at 70 Washington Street in Salem with whom Richard shared his spiritual light as Chaplain for 25 years, will host his final rites. All friends of the Ravish family are invited to an open casket final Blessed Be commencing at 11 am and ending at 1:30 pm followed by a Rite of Passage and Masonic tribute. At 4 pm a blessing will take place at Greenlawn Cemetary with an interment at 4:18 pm. The Ravish family and friends will host a reception at Masonic Hall after the burial as a celebration of Richard’s. Please contact Murphy Funeral Home 978-744-0497 ( for further details.

Love is the law, love under will.


About Training People Under 18

I’ve been training people in the Craft for almost two decades years. If someone who comes to me looks very young, the first thing I want to know is their age and whether or not their parents are aware that they’re seeking this training. Under 18? Your parents don’t know you’re here? Then my answer is always an emphatic “No!” Invariably, these kids want to know, “why not?”. There are many reasons why the vast majority of Wiccans and Pagans will not consent to train anyone under 18 in the Craft, and all of them are established to protect the community, including the person wishing to be trained and the group she or he wants to join.

The biggest reason that we won’t train someone under 18 is related to parental consent. Without parental consent, anyone teaching another religion to a child can be prosecuted under the law. Let’s face it, most parents who aren’t Pagan are strongly opposed to having their child(ren) exposed to witchcraft. On the other hand, parents that aren’t opposed are usually studying it themselves. They’re more than fine with letting their kids learn age appropriate material with them, and do.

Which brings me to reason #2. I say age appropriate, because we are a fertility religion. That means the act of creation, and the sexual union of God and Goddess is sacred to us, and is the basis of our religion. You can’t ethically teach that until someone is over 18, because it’s confusing AND illegal. We, as a culture, have decided that sex with children is wrong. We, as a society, have decided that the age limit is 18. We, as a people, made this decision based upon the negative experiences that humanity has encountered when adults have crossed this line. It is an important line, and although all of us mature at slightly different rates, you never know if you’ve crossed that line until AFTER someone is emotionally damaged. Since, the price of safety is only a couple of years, it is foolish to risk it. RESPECT this rule, because if you do not, you cannot undo the damage after it has been done, and you spend the rest of your life trying to get over it. Besides, impatience is a sure sign that one is not ready for magical training.

Reason #3 – What most academic schools are teaching is actually the foundation upon which magical training is built. To be successful in any field, especially Witchcraft, you need a good understanding of Mathematics, Algebra, Mythology, History, Social Studies, Geography, Science, Literature, how to write a research paper, and grammar . These things are very important to know before you begin studying witchcraft. Without this strong foundation, you will never be able to get past the basics of the craft. I look at the report cards of new students coming into the seminary who are under the age of 30. Students with bad grades inevitably lack the required skill set needed to perform in a college level setting. Since they’ve not developed the discipline required to learn basic educational concepts, they have a difficult time grasping the more complex concepts that are required to train your brain to move from a linear thinking pattern to a spiral thinking pattern. Basically, schools are doing FAR MORE to establish the roots of magical training than most people realize!

Reason #4 – Teenagers are really busy “growing up.” Teaching them magical concepts creates more trouble for them. For example, look at the stories of “Sabrina, the Teenage Witch”. She causes herself way more problems with her powers than if she’d just be a regular kid. Notice how it takes advice from someone older and more mature to help her find her way out of the trouble she gets into. Maturing teenagers are learning how to interact as an adult in an adult environment: how to be respectful, honorable, grounded, etc. If you dishonor your training, and there are many ways to do this, you could be dismissed and not allowed to return.

Reason #5 – While most of us who are appropriately trained in the craft try to come from our highest place every moment of every day, there are just as many who are lying about their training and looking for anyone to worship and glorify them as God or Goddess incarnate. These people are hard for adults to identify until after they’ve already been spiritually abused. It’s impossible for Wicca, as an institution, to protect our youth from these predators, if we allow children to enter training too soon. We do not have many safeguards to protect people seeking craft knowledge, and people get deeply challenged in the best training programs. BEWARE of anyone willing to teach students under 18! Oftentimes these are unethical people who are more interested in amassing students and lording their power over others. These people can do just as much harm as the worst abusive parent, and then you could be spend the rest of your life trying to get over it.

All in all, youth is a very short chapter in our lives. There are times in life when one’s energy is just not conducive to studying witchcraft. The teenage years are one of those times. It’s not that you don’t need the spiritual interaction or ministering, because if you feel you do, you should do something about it. But do it the right way. Get your parents to take you to a Sabbat celebration and participate in the joy of the craft. Pray to the Goddess, meditate, read mythology, learn to read tarot. The time for formal study will come. It will come when you stop being a member that attends meetings, and start learning how to be the person that leads the meetings.

If you seriously want to study Wicca and become a Priestess or Priest, then properly prepare yourself so you’ll be ready for it when the time comes. Make good grades, take your Literature assignments and writing assignments very seriously. You’ll write a lot as a priest/ess, so you should be able to do it well or people will not respect what you have to say. Learn about our history, because there will be other stories that can’t be found in books that you won’t be able to understand, if you don’t know the historical background. Take your Mythology, Science and Shakespeare lessons very seriously. All of them have mysteries you will discover later in your training.

You are already in magical training, because you’re here on the planet. Magical training has to do with the way you look at your life, and how you respect the magic that is already there. This perspective earns you the right to be exposed to more. When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Make sure you’re ready for formal training, by applying yourself in school, making good grades, learning to be honorable, telling the truth, doing the right thing, and respecting your parents, even if you don’t agree with them sometimes. Respect the fact that people that are older than you have learned many lessons and are trying to help you avoid the same mistakes. The world is this way because experience teaches us things that youthful optimism doesn’t: human nature is not the same in reality as it is in our heads.

Find the long version of the Wiccan Rede and memorize it. Follow it. It has many mysteries in it. Then, when you’re 18 and you apply for training, you will more likely be accepted. Always remember this extremely important part of the path. It’s JUST like college. You APPLY for magical training, you don’t just show up and expect to get it. A High Priest or High Priestess has absolutely no obligation to teach you. They can dismiss you from training at any time, and will, if you make the experience of teaching you unpleasant. If you come properly prepared, if you’re humble, respectful, appreciative, and hard working, you will find your place among the Wicca. Consider your relationships with your parents and current teachers. How do you treat them? Do they find you a joy to teach? Do you turn in homework? Do you listen in class, and read the chapters? Do you take the time to understand why your parents make the decisions they make, or do you just rage against the restrictions? These will tell you where you need to grow. If you make your life successful as a teenager, you’ll make an excellent witch. Good luck.

Ashleen O’Gaea: Mabon

Around the first of August we celebrated the first of our calendar’s three Harvest Festivals. Lammas, honoring the first loaf of bread baked from the first grain harvest, sees us still enjoying warm and sunny days – but the Wheel has turned, and it’s autumn now. The next Sabbat is Mabon, our main Harvest Festival, and what some call the Wiccan Thanksgiving.

The Autumn Equinox is the secular name for Mabon, and that’s when we observe this holy day. Most years, it’s right around the 21st of September; this year, it falls on Saturday the 22nd. Mabon is an astronomical Sabbat, that day and time (10:49 a.m.) when the length of the day and night are equal – at the Equator. Like the Solstices, Equinoxes occur because the Earth tilts on its axis as it orbits the Sun. Just as the Sun seems to “move south” as Winter approaches, so do birds and animals, following the light.

For Wiccans and other Pagans, Mabon is a time to work on balancing the elements of our lives – inner and outer, bright and dark, us and other — and to make sure that our resources will carry us through the coming season of chill weather and introspective personal work. For none of us survives our Winters alone, and we are all sustained by more than our own work.


A Way to Celebrate Mabon

                    Roll half a sheet of paper to make a cone. (If you have no glue or tape, fasten it by folding the overlapping part at the top.) That will be your cornucopia; once you see how it will look, you may want to decorate it.

Divide the other half of the sheet into several squares, and on each one write one of your own strengths, focusing on things you have learned in the last several months. These represent your harvest; put them loosely into your cornucopia. When you’ve cast your Mabon Circle, choose one or two and meditate on how it will sustain you through the Fall and Winter. If you are celebrating with other people,  share some of your harvest with the person to your left in the Circle.

(Apple juice or cider, or grape juice, are appropriate substitutes for wine or ale at Mabon; even tomato juice is fine.)


A Mabon Toast

Harvest’s rolled ‘round again, and we’ve wielded scythe and stave.

Now we’re sorting chaff from grain, and plenty we will save.

We work together so that all will warm and dry be kept,

and never thirst or hunger once the threshing floor’s been swept.

So raise your mug and raise your cup, and raise your voices too,

And celebrate, as we drink and sup, the Wheel that’s turning true.

Hail the God in the field, and the God in the blade,

and the God in the work we’ve done

Hail the grain that’s cut and the bread that’s made,

and hail to the setting sun!


Double Rituals for Samhain this Year!

The Circle of the Sacred Muse Sabbat Celebrations are typically family friendly. As such, they are targeted more at a younger audience – short and sweet, giving just enough information to learn about the season while still filling the desire for ritual.

Samhain Jack-o-lanternFor several years, we’ve received requests to do a more in depth ritual at Halloween, and this year, we’re jumping in and doing both.

High Priestess Mary Malinski says, “We don’t want to abandon the families, since that is something that is very important to me with three children of my own. And I also felt it was time to do a ritual for Samhain that goes a little deeper into the Mysteries of our faith. So I talked with core members of my team, and they were excited about the idea.”

Both rituals are scheduled for Sunday, October 28th. The family friendly ritual will take place at the Salish building in Lewis Park in the afternoon, and the more adult-oriented one will be at Halbe Hall in the evening. People are welcome to dress up in their “Pagan finest” for both events!

For more details about either ritual, visit our Upcoming Events page. Both events are open to the public, though we do ask that people RSVP so we know how many people to provide supplies for.

Meet Jim Barker of The Divine Hand Palmistry

The Divine Hand Modus Operandi:

My method of palm reading is different from most. It is an uplifting, affirming experience designed to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

My goal is simple: to convey the greatest good possible for you.

It is with joy and humility that I offer my services to those who desire an alternate point of view.

About Seattle Palm Reader Jim Barker, in his own words:

I read my first palm when I was a child, after finding a little 1950’s era pamphlet on the subject in my grandparent’s attic. This small pamphlet made a big impression.

Later in life, as a teenager, I began to research palmistry further and practiced the art on my friends. To their astonishment (and my own), the readings were very accurate, and I began to get a reputation for my ability to read palms.

As I became more experienced, and as I studied palmistry in earnest, I started to realize that many people are afraid of palmistry.

The common sentiment seems to be rooted in the “fatalistic” aspect that some readers seem to be insistent upon. In other words, the reader will tell you things revolving around death and danger, focusing primarily on the negative.

Though I have never practiced a fatalistic approach to readings, this realization inspired me to create an ethic of acknowledging both the perceived “good” and “bad” the aspects the character traits I see. I realized that every negative trait has a positive flip-side, and vice-versa. By having a balanced focus, I am able to help my clients see their own greatest good.

Today, with over 20 years of experience, I am a professional palm reader in the Seattle area.

To visit Jim’s website, The Divine Hand, follow this link:

Please note that the above was reprinted from The Divine Hand Palmistry website with permission from the author.

Jim Barker: The Middle Finger

The middle finger is well known for it’s rude gesture. In palmistry, however, the finger is ruled by Saturn. In my palm readings, the middle finger is all about philosophies, constructs and paradigms. In other words, the rules, boundraies and limitations we create in our life.

Depending on the finger’s gesture on the hand (body language) and its musculosketal development and featues, the finger reveals how important philosophies are in the querent’s life.For instance, if the middle finger is curled up when presented for a reading, it could indicate that the person is feeling stifled in their ability to put their processes or policies into action – or that somebodyis disagreeing with their ideas.

If the middle finger is over extended, the person might be really working to get their ideas across to others; and maybe even over doing it.

Strong saturn fingers (wider, straigher, thicker than ther others) is indicative of a person who uses rules and structure as helpful ways of doing things instead of obsticals.

Weak saturn fingers (nmore arrow, bent, thinner than the others) is indicative of a person who does not appreciate rules and structure – and prefers to use their gut, or go out on their own.

Weak or strong, both personalities are so nessiccary in our world. Those that appreciate structure, and those that are able to work without it.


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