Author Archive Mary



The Aquarian Tabernacle Church is thrilled to announce that the Church is now officially recognized as a charitable institution in Canada. 

The Canadian branch of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church (ATCC) was registered as a society in BC in 1994 and its mandate is to advance religion by teaching and celebrating the tenets, doctrines, and observances associated with Wicca. As practicing Wiccans, ATCC members view God as present in everything: as a single, supreme, infinite, and holy energy often referred to as “The All” or the “Great Mother.” Wiccans believe each person to be an aspect or expression of Deity, whole and holy, with strengths and weaknesses, triumphs and failures. They strive to see and appreciate the reflection of deity within each being. 

Right Reverend Mary Malinski, the Archpriestess of ATCC, said “It took quite a bit of work by our congregational volunteers, who have worked diligently over several years to make this a reality. Although Wicca is recognized as a religion in other branches of government, we had to meet the rigorous qualifications of a religion according to charity law. To my knowledge, we are the first Wiccan church in Canada to receive charitable status. This opens doors for our members across Canada. I am extremely grateful to each of our current and past members who contributed to this endeavor.” 

Right Reverend Mary Malinski (centre) is installed as Archpriestess of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada, accompanied by Aquarian Tabernacle Church International clergy: Right Reverend Dusty Dionne (left) and Right Reverend Aedis Laveau (right).
Right Reverend Mary Malinski (centre) is installed as Archpriestess of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada, accompanied by Aquarian Tabernacle Church International clergy: Right Reverend Dusty Dionne (left) and Right Reverend Aedis Laveau (right). 

In many provinces, marriage and burial rights are tied to charitable status. “Being able to legally provide these services directly to our congregants will be a relief to many who have had to find workarounds to meeting their spiritual needs,” says Rt. Reverend Malinski. “We also look forward to being able to provide tax receipts to the many donors who support our ministry.” 

“I am honored to be following in the footsteps of the founder of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, Pete Pathfinder Davis, who helped pave the way for Wiccan rights in the United States by becoming a 501c3 charitable organization, advocating for the pentacle on veteran headstones, and educating people, both young and old, about the beliefs and values of Wicca.” Rt. Rev. Malinski continues, “I am also thankful to my predecessors in Canada, Rt. Reverend Michele Favarger and Rt. Reverend Erik Lindblad, for establishing ATCC and securing marriage rights in the province of British Columbia.” 

ATCC is based on Vancouver Island and holds monthly Full Moon Rituals as hybrid events in-person and online, along with celebrating the Eight Sabbats in the Wheel of the Year. Upcoming special events this year are:  

  • Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day in Duncan on August 10th 
  • Samhain Spellbound Masquerade Ritual & Dance in Campbell River on October 26th 
  • Turning the Wheel Retreat at Ocean Resort in Campbell River, December 27th to 29th  

More information about classes and events is available at and on Facebook at  


Update from the Archpriestess

Happy New Year 2022! It has been quite a while since I posted an update, mostly because it has been a challenging couple of years.

Update from the Archpriestess graphic with picture of Right Reverend Mary Malinski, Archpriestess, and the Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada logo

The Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada has been holding steady, working quietly behind the scenes toward achieving charitable status with the Government of Canada. That is still a major focus, and it requires quite a bit of time from our volunteer committee. I am grateful to each of you for your efforts.

I am also happy to share that several of our Ordained clergy members were able to help couples throughout the province celebrate and solemnize their marriages. Life truly does carry on!

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to present obstacles to the ways in which we worship and gather together. We were very lucky to have a platform in place to turn to right from the start, and I am deeply grateful to the members of our public ritual group, the Circle of the Sacred Muse, who embraced the challenge to pivot to presenting rituals, Coffee Cauldrons, and Seeker Classes online.

The theme of 2021 was “Back to Basics”, and we explored the elements, as well as helpful techniques such as grounding, shielding, and how to meditate. Towards the end of 2021, Circle of the Sacred Muse had started to host in person rituals, complete with masks and hand sanitizer. Because we have been accessible to individuals beyond our geographic area, we made the decision to continue offering our rituals online as well as in person.

The theme for 2022 is “Deities Around the World”. We will be learning about and working with Gods and Goddesses from different pantheons and mythologies. Ritual presenters who have established relationships with these deities will share their insights. Rituals are planned to continue in our “hybrid” in person and online manner, though we will monitor and follow Public Health Orders as they are issued.

You will also notice a new link on our website – we have added a Calendar of Events for your reference. You can even subscribe and add it to your own calendar!

I hope 2022 brings you an abundance of love and joy, peace and prosperity, and that you all stay safe and healthy. We look forward to worshiping with you!

With love and blessings in service,
Rt. Rev. Mary Malinski, APS


Beltane Blessings!

Happy Beltane to all of our community! Spring is well established here on the West Coast – flowers and trees are blooming, gardens are sprouting, and the breeze has the beautiful scent of growth and promise.

Beltane Maypole

At this time of year, we humans are desiring more growth and time outdoors, generally. Barbecues, walks on the beach or in the forest, planting in the garden, and, dare I say, outdoor ahem adventures? Wink, wink!

Yet here we sit, in the midst of a pandemic. Some provinces and states are opening back up, and even in the ones that are still under physical distancing restrictions, there is talk of loosening the boundaries a little.

In the Southern Hemisphere, it is Samhain, the turning to the dark and dying of the year, instead of the birth and growing. In many ways, we are experiencing that same energy in the Northern Hemisphere – the contraction, looking over your shoulder for souls (alive or dead), the wariness and weariness.

Beltane is a time for love, though. It is the Sacred Marriage, the union of the God and Goddess. Even while practicing safe physical distance from one another, we can still open to that energy of growing love. In fact, it is vitally important that we turn that love the one place it desperately needs to be right now. Inward.

Now is the time to practice self-love – fiercely, joyously, selfishly and selflessly. Sit with your comfort and discomfort, your loneliness, your fear and inadequacies, your anxiety and pleasure, your desire to do something or nothing, your coping mechanisms… Notice what is going on in your body, your heart, and your mind, and send it all love.

We have been given the opportunity to be fully self aware, to move forward creating a new reality, to evolve to our next level as human beings. That shift requires love to make the jump – love for self, love for others, love for the planet, love for all species. It starts with the self.

I’m working on loving myself deeper and stronger. Will you join me by loving yourself?

Happy Beltane! May love shine it’s light on all areas of your life, and blossom into abundance for all areas of your life.

With love and blessings in service,

Rt. Rev. Mary Malinski, APS


The Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada Appoints New Archpriestess

The start of a new decade also marks a new era for the Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada (ATCC). Nearly three decades after its inception as a registered institution, ATCC is appointing a new Archpriestess in April, 2020 at the annual Spring Mysteries Festival hosted by the ATC Mother Church. High Priestess Mary Malinski of Circle of the Sacred Muse, Vancouver Island, Canada, will be joined by her husband High Priest David Malinski and many of her family and friends from Canada and the US to receive her elevation to Archpriestess of ATC Canada.

Mary Malinski

The Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada was established by the outgoing Archpriestess Michèle Favarger at the request of the former Archpriest and Founder of the Mother Church, Pete Pathfinder Davis, in 1990. Michèle, originally a solitary and eclectic practitioner, has a long history within the pagan community of Vancouver Island, circling with many who went on to form the renowned 13th House Mystery School.  Michèle received her Third Degree in the British Family Tradition in which she was trained, the Aquarian Tabernacle Church Tradition, and was also recognized as a Third Degree by Shadowhawk and Blacksun in their Star-Wyrm tradition. Michèle and her spouse Third Degree Priest Erik Lindblad, along with the Elders of ATCC, Heather Botting O’Brien, Gary Botting, and Doris Windrim, saw to it that ATCC was officially incorporated under the Societies Act of BC, recognized by Vital Statistics to sanctify marriage in the province, and authorized to allow Wiccan clergy to minister to the inmates at William Head Institution, where Michèle volunteered for 14 years. These accomplishments, along with many other great successes and achievements, have ensured that Mary’s induction into Archpriesthood will be a smooth transition.

Mary’s journey to Priesthood reads like a fairy tale. We all dream about what we want to be when we grow up, however not all of us get to make that dream come true. Mary did. Her journey began in small town Minnesota where she was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran church and taught Sunday school throughout high school. She learned about the Goddess in her late teen years and longed to serve as a Priestess, though she never thought it would actually be possible. After marrying and moving to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, she learned more about Goddess spirituality and Wicca through attending a local women’s spiritual circle. When life brought her and her growing family to Vancouver Island, she sought a similar group to attend. Finding no groups but several like-minded individuals, she started her own circle, Circle of the Sacred Muse, and thus became a Priestess. Her impossible dream had come true.

In 2006 Mary attended the 21st Annual Spring Mysteries Festival at Fort Flagler, WA, where she met Michèle Favarger and Pete “Pathfinder” Davis. From there on in she was headed for Archpriesthood, though that was not in her sights at the time. In the following years she received her First Degree Initiation in the Aquarian Tabernacle Church (Canada) tradition, joined the Board of Directors of ATC Canada, and entered studies at the Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary where she is now an instructor in Wiccan Law, Meditation, and Greek Mythology. By 2012 Mary received her Second Degree initiation and soon after was appointed Maiden of ATCC. On April 12, 2017, Mary Malinski received her Third Degree Initiation in the Aquarian Tabernacle Church (Canada) tradition and recently received her Second Degree in the WISE tradition under the tutelage of the Archpriesthood of the Mother Church, Belladonna LaVeau and Dusty Dionne. In addition to holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Wiccan Ministry, Mary also has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theatre from the University of Minnesota Moorhead where her interest in Greek Mythology blossomed.

Currently Mary Malinski supports her family and her ministry through several self-employed ventures while working at the local theatre where she’s been employed for over 14 years. Through her own website Walks Within, Mary offers tarot readings, life coaching, guided meditations, and can be booked for Usui Reiki instruction. Every Sunday during the warmer months Mary can be found doing tarot readings and selling her wonderful recycled sweater-coats at the outdoor market in Campbell River, BC. All while volunteering her services to foster a Wiccan community for northern Vancouver Island and support the growth of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada. It’s easy to see how she inherited the moniker Prosperity Priestess.

As for the future, Mary hopes to see the ATCC grow and serve communities all across Canada. She is currently working on connecting with other Pagan groups across the country so that together they can help each other grow. Mary’s background and education, along with her lifelong devotion to the Goddess and to Wiccan ministry, makes her a most suitable candidate for Archpriestess and Pete Pathfinder Davis, for one, would be proud to see how she made her own dreams come true. We are all looking forward to seeing where Archpriestess Mary Malinski will take the Church from here.

~ Cece Henderson, Maiden of the Circle of the Sacred Muse, ATC Canada


Exciting announcement for students!

The Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada is excited to announce that the Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary (also known as the Wiccan Seminary) now offers Canadian dollar pricing for tuition!

We have heard your requests, and worked with ATC International to make sure that you can receive the same great education, without the penalty of exchange rates.

When you enroll with your Canadian address, your tuition fees will be billed in Canadian dollars.

Get your education in magic from a trusted school with proven teachers, and a degree that is backed by the State of Washington.

We look forward to seeing you in the Seminary!